


1.1: Number of students year-wise during the last five years

2. Number of full time teachers during the last five years


1.2: Academic Flexibility

1.2.1: Certificate/Value added courses offered and online courses of MOOCs, SWAYAM, NPTEL etc.

  1. Declaration stating that regular university programs have not been considered here
  2. Scanned attendance sheets, year-wise, for the last five years
  3. Certificates with sealed and signed by the competant authority

1.2.2: Data of students enrolled in Certificate/ Value added courses and also completed online courses

  1. Revised data according to the changes done in the previous metric 1.2.1
  2. Scanned attendance sheets, year-wise, for the last five years
  3. Model Certificates for each course for the last five years

1.3: Curriculum Enrichment

1.3.2: Details of students undertaking project work/field work/ internships etc. (for the latest completed academic year)

  1. List of Students undergoing project work/field work etc. along with other necessary details
  2. Declaration regarding Intership/Project completion certificates from the competent authority
  3. Reports of field work along with photographs & permission letters from the competant authority
  4. Field works mentioning objectives and outcomes of field works
  5. Photographs (geo-tagged wherever possible) with caption and date of project work/field work
  6. Declaration regarding English translation of the supporting documents

1.4: Feedback System

1.4.1: Details of feedback from various stakeholders, analysis and action taken reports on the feedback

  1. Year-wise Filled in feedback forms from two stakeholders – Students & Teachers
  2. Feedback Analysis & Action Taken Reports
  3. Communication of feedback reports to the affiliating University


2.1.1 Final Admission List 2018-2023


6.2 Strategy Development and Deployment

6.2.2 Institution implements e-governance in its operations: 1) Administration, 2) Finance and Accounts, 3) Student Admission and Support, 4) Examination

  1. Link to the ERP Document
  2. Screen shots of user interfaces of each module (Administration, Finance and Accounts, Student Admission and Support, Examination) reflecting the name of the HEI
  3. All the bills for the expenditure on implementation of e- governance in the areas of operation sealed and signed by the HOI

6.3 Faculty Empowerment Strategies

6.3.2 Percentage of teachers provided with financial support to attend conferences/workshops and towards membership fee of professional bodies during the last five years.

6.3.3 Percentage of teaching and non-teaching staff participating in Faculty development Programs (FDP), Management Development Programs (MDPs) professional development /administrative training programs during the last five years     

6.5.2 Quality assurance initiatives of the institution include:

  • Regular meeting of Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC); quality improvement initiatives identified and implemented
  • Academic and Administrative Audit (AAA) and follow-up action taken
  • Collaborative quality initiatives with other institution(s)
  • Any other quality audit/accreditation recognized by state, national or international agencies such as NAAC, NBA etc.

C-7: Institutional Values and Best Practices

7.1.2. Facilities and Initiatives by the Institution:

Geotagged photographs of the facilities

Bills and agreements for purchasing equipments and providing facilities

Reports of the facilities

7.1.3. Quality audits on environment and energy and the institutional environment and energy initiatives:

Policy documents on Environmental promotional activities and sustainable energy usage

Action taken and Achievement Report