Payment Link -1st Sem

Message from the Principal


It gives me immense pleasure to join Raiganj Surendranath Mahavidyalaya (RSM) as Principal of the College after completing almost 22 years of my academic trajectory. RSM is one of the reputed academic institutes of North Bengal which achieved B+ grade in its first cycle of NAAC accreditation in December 2016. I sincerely hope this pace of growth would be continued and accelerated in the upcoming days.

Located at the heart of the district headquarters Raiganj, Uttar Dinajpur, the college offers a stimulating ambiance for learning in the backdrop of clean and green lush areas. Thus it promotes sustainable development on the one hand and caters to the needs of pupils from different strata of societies on the other hand. 

RSM is a ‘Grants-in- Aid’ co-education college affiliated under University of Gour Banga. The vision of the College is to build sincere and responsible citizens with dogma-free minds and conscious consciences. The college emphasizes ICT enabled process of learning blended with the traditional chalk-and-talk method. However, the best practice of the institute is to instill the essence of values and humanities in the impressionable minds and hearts of every student. We sincerely wish a holistic development of our students who would not only excel in the field of academics but would shine equally in all fields of life, starting from games and sports to cultural activities, debate and quiz to creative writing. And thus their journey towards success keeps on continuing……

As Swami Vivekananda said, ‘Arise, awake and stop not till the goal is reached’, Our strive towards excellence also continues.


Best Wishes,

Dr. Chandan Roy


Raiganj Surendranath Mahavidyalaya

CV of Principal