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Polarized Images of the Supermassive Black Holes M87* and Sagittarius A*. Image Credit: EHT Collaboration.


Welcome to the Department of Physics of Raiganj Surendranath Mahavidyalaya! We are a vibrant community of students, faculty, and staff passionate about understanding the fundamental laws of the nature. Our mission is to provide a stimulating and supportive environment where students can develop a deep understanding of physics concepts, gain hands-on experience in our laboratories, and prepare for successful careers in a variety of fields.


Why Choose Physics?

Physics is the foundation of all natural sciences and engineering disciplines. A degree in physics opens doors to a wide range of exciting career opportunities in research, education, technology and many other fields. Studying physics equips an individual with valuable skills such as:

*  Critical thinking and problem-solving

*  Analytical and computational abilities

*  Strong foundation in scientific methods

*  Effective communication and collaboration skills


Our dedicated faculty members are passionate about teaching & research. They are committed to providing personalized attention and mentorship to our students, both inside and outside the classroom. We have equipped laboratories that provide students with the opportunity to apply classroom knowledge to real-world experiments.

Many of our pass-out students are pursuing their PhDs in premier institutes like IITs, SINP etc. after clearing national level examinations like GATE/NET/JEST, and many other are employed in Govt and private sectors. Our department also offers a variety of opportunities for students to get involved beyond the classroom, like exhibition, quiz competition, etc.


UGB Syllabus for Physics (Major & Minor) under NEP 2020

UGB Physics Honours CBCS Syllabus

UGB Physics General CBCS Syllabus


Study Materials

Materials on Astronomy & Astrophysics fetched from eGyanKosh – a National Digital Repository developed by IGNOU. — (6th Semester)

Atomic Physics Notes

Classical Mechanics Notes

Electrodynamics Notes

Electronics Notes

Quantum Mechanics Notes

Solid State Physics Notes

Special Theory of Relativity Notes


Youtube Link of Lectures










Notice for Internal Assessment of SEC101 Semester-I (NEP)  — dated 30/01/2025

Notice for Internal Assessment of Semesters I, III (NEP) & V (CBCS)  — dated 11/12/2024

Notice for Practical Exam of Semester II NEP (Minor) & CBCS (General) — dated 26/09/2024

Notice for Commencement of 5th Semester Classes 2024 — dated 10/08/2024

Notice for Commencement of 1st Semester Classes 2024 — dated 06/08/2024



Notice for Practical Exam of Semester IV CBCS (General) — dated 19/07/2024

Notice for Internal Assessment of Semesters IV (CBCS) & II (NEP) — dated 29/05/2024

Notice for Internal Assessment of Semester VI CBCS — dated 24/05/2024

Temporary Charge handover of Departmental Headship — 14/05/2024

Notice for Practical Exam of Semester III CBCS (General) — dated 02/02/2024

Notice for Internal Assessment of Semester III & V CBCS (Hons & Gen) — dated 13/12/2023

Notice for Departmental Meeting — dated 09/07/2023

Notice for Internal Assessment of Semester II & IV CBCS (General) — dated 07/07/2023

Notice for Internal Assessment of Semester II & IV CBCS (Honours) — dated 01/07/2023


A single merged file comprising notices of AY 2022-23 can be accessed from the follwing link.

Notice 2022-23



A single merged file comprising notices of AY 2021-22 can be accessed from the follwing link.

Notice 2021-22



A single merged file comprising notices of AY 2020-21 can be accessed from the follwing link.

Notice 2020-21



A single merged file comprising notices of AY 2021-22 can be accessed from the follwing link.

Notice 2019-20



A single merged file comprising notices of AY 2018-19 can be accessed from the follwing link.

Notice 2018-19



Dr. Debasmita Kanjilal Bondyopadhaya

Journal Publication:

  1. “Search of effective interaction in dipole bands of an odd-odd trans-lead nucleus: The case of 204At”, D. KanjilalInternational Journal of Modern Physics E 33, 2450020 (2024) .
  2. “High-spin states of 204At: isomeric states and shears band structure”, D. Kanjilal, S. K. Dey, S. S. Bhattacharjee, A. Bisoi, M. Das, C. C. Dey, S. Nag, R. Palit, S. Ray, S. Saha, J. Sethi, and S. Saha, The European Physical Journal A 58, 159 (2022) .
  3. “Spectroscopic study of 38K above the 31.67 µs isomer”, R. Rahaman, A. Bisoi, Y. Sapkota, A. Adhikari, A. Das, S. Sarkar, M. Saha Sarkar, A. Goswami, S. Ray, M. Roy Basu, D. Kanjilal, S. Nag, K. Selvakumar, N. Madhavan, S. Muralithar, and R. K. Bhowmik, Physical Revew C 102, 024315 (2020) .
  4. “Nuclear Data Sheets for A = 218”, B. Singh, M.S. Basunia, M. Martin, E.A. McCutchan, I. Bala, R. Caballero-Folch, R. Canavan, R. Chakrabarti, A. Chekhovska, M. M. Grinder, S. Kaim, D. Kanjilal, D. Kasperovych, M. J. Kobra, H. Koura, S. Nandi, A. Olacel, A. Singh, and B. P. E. Tee, Nuclear Data Sheets 160, 405-471 (2019) .
  5. “Superdeformation and α-cluster structure in 35Cl”, A. Bisoi, M. Saha Sarkar, S. Sarkar, S. Ray, M. Roy Basu, D. Kanjilal, S. Nag, K. Selvakumar, A. Goswami, N. Madhavan, S. Muralithar, and R. K. Bhowmik, Physical Revew C 88, 034303 (2013) .
  6. “First observation of high spin states and isomeric decay in 210Fr”, D. Kanjilal, S. Saha, S. Bhattacharya, A. Goswami, R. Kshetri, R. Raut, S. Muralithar, R. P. Singh, G. Mukherjee and B. Mukherjee, Physical Revew C 84, 064321 (2011) .
  7. “High spin states and isomeric decays in doubly-odd 208Fr”, D. Kanjilal, S. Bhattacharya, A. Goswami, R. Kshetri, R. Raut, S. Saha, R. K. Bhowmik, J. Gehlot, S. Muralithar, R. P. Singh, G. Janeswari, G. Mukherjee, B. Mukherjee, Nuclear Physics A 842, 1-14 (2010) .
  8. “Electric field distribution and simulation of avalanche formation due to the passage of heavy ions in a parallel grid avalanche counter”, D. Kanjilal and S. Saha, Pramana 72, 833-844 (2009) .
  9. “An active drop counting device using condenser microphone for superheated emulsion detector”, M. Das, A. S. Arya, C. Marick, D. Kanjilal and S. Saha, Review of Scientific Instruments 79, 113301 (2008) .

Book/Book Chapter Publication:

  1. “Approaching the end of Mendeleev’s Periodic Table: Super Heavy Elements” in Emerging Trends in Science, Social Science, Engineering and Management- A Multidisciplinary Approach, Dr. M. A. Raffey (eds.), Red’shine Publication, London, UK., 2023, pp. 373-386, ISBN: 978-1-387-57678-4 .
  2. “Impact of Environmental Radio Activity on Human” in Recent Trends in Multidisciplinary Research and Development, Dr. M. A. Raffey (eds.), Red’shine Publication, 62/5834 Harplingegr and 110, LGH 1103. Alvsjo, 12573 Stockholm, Sweden, pp. 460-474, ISBN: 978-91-89764-56-9 .



Dr. Suvankar Paul

Journal Publication:

  1. “Shadows and thin accretion disk images of the γ-metric”, R. Shaikh, S. Paul, P. Banerjee, and T. Sarkar, The European Physical Journal C 82, 696 (2022)arXiv: 2105.12057 .
  2. “A stellar constraint on Eddington-inspired Born-Infeld gravity from cataclysmic variable binaries”, P. Banerjee, D. Garain, S. Paul, R. Shaikh and T. Sarkar, The Astrophysical Journal 924, 20 (2022)arXiv: 2105.09172 .
  3. “Tidal disruption near black holes and their mimickers”, P. Banerjee, S. Paul, R.Shaikh and T. Sarkar, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 03 (2021) 042arXiv: 1912.01184 .
  4. “Constraining Modified Gravity from Tidal Phenomena in Binary Stars”, P. Banerjee, D. Garain, S. Paul, R. Shaikh and T. Sarkar, The Astrophysical Journal 910, 23 (2021)arXiv: 2006.01646 .
  5. “Strong gravitational lensing by a strongly naked null singularity”, S. Paul, Physical Review D 102, 064045 (2020)arXiv: 2006.01646 .
  6. “Observational signatures of wormholes with thin accretion disks”, S. Paul, R. Shaikh, P. Banerjee and T. Sarkar, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 03 (2020) 055arXiv: 1911.05525 .
  7. “Strong gravitational lensing by wormholes”, R. Shaikh, P. Banerjee, S. Paul and T. Sarkar, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 07 (2019) 028arXiv: 1905.06932 .
  8. “Analytical approach to strong gravitational lensing from ultra-compact objects”, R. Shaikh, P. Banerjee, S. Paul and T. Sarkar, Physical Review D 99, 104040 (2019)arXiv: 1903.08211 .
  9. “Tidal effects away from the equatorial plane in Kerr backgrounds”, P. Banerjee, S. Paul, R. Shaikh, and T. Sarkar, Physics Letters B 795, (2019) 29arXiv: 1812.08642 .
  10. “A novel gravitational lensing feature by wormholes”, R. Shaikh, P. Banerjee, S. Paul and T. Sarkar, Physics Letters B 789, (2019) 270arXiv: 1811.08245 .
  11. “Curvature couplings of massless fermions in analog gravity”, P. Banerjee, S. Paul, and T. Sarkar, Physics Letters B 789, (2019) 160 .





Semester-wise Routines of Physics department for AY 2024-25 can be accessed from the following links.

Physics Routine 2024-25 Odd Semester



Semester-wise Routines of Physics department for AY 2023-24 can be accessed from the following links.

Physics Routine 2023-24 Even Semester

Physics Routine 2023-24 Odd Semester



Semester-wise Routines of Physics department for AY 2022-23 can be accessed from the following links.

Physics Routine 2022-23 Even Semester

Physics Routine 2022-23 Odd Semester



Semester-wise Routines of Physics department for AY 2021-22 can be accessed from the following links.

Physics Routine 2021-22 Even Semester

Physics Routine 2021-22 Odd Semester



Physics department combined Online Routines for AY 2020-21 can be accessed from the following link.

Physics Online Routine 2020-21



Physics department Routine for AY 2019-20 can be accessed from the following link.

Physics Routine 2019-20



Physics department Routine for AY 2019-20 can be accessed from the following link.

Physics Routine 2018-19