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We welcome you to the Department of Political Science of Raiganj Surendranath Mahavidyalaya. One of the earliest in the college, the department was established in 1986 to teach Political Science in the general course with merely 8 students in it. Since then, the department has grown manifold. Today it boasts of being one of the most voluminous departments of the college with approximately 2500 students under its wing that is headed by a female head of the department who was also of the very first permanent faculty to join the college post its founding. Including her, the department also consists of 2 Assistant Professors—Smt. Pranati Mazumder and Smt. Sohini Roy and 3 SACTs – Shri Ujjwal Bhattacharjee, Dr.  Aayasha Parvin and Smt. Madhumanti Hasina Erani, who teach both Honours and General courses for the Undergraduate Programme under the University of Gour Banga, following the CBCS and NEP, 2020 guidelines.

With the idea of enlightening young lives through the beacon of knowledge, the department remains committed to disseminating information and developing in-depth understandings of politics, society, human rights, gender studies, the constitution of the country, foreign policy, bilateral relations among states and non-state actors and international relations. The department is also passionate about research and endeavours to achieve such goals through ensuring participation of the faculty in several enrichment programs and workshops.

Meticulous in their approach, the entire department is also committed to supporting its students through able mentorship and guidance, both inside and outside classrooms, ultimately leading them towards successful careers and fruitful lives.

The Department uses multipronged and multifaceted stratagems that involve a measured combination of the traditional lecture method with interactive, ICT   empowered techniques to teach. Joint classes, seminars, activity-based learning techniques, faculty exchanges and academic debates and discussions all are practiced to ensure effectiveness.

The Department has seen formidable results. The students of the former have made it proud by not only performing well in examinations but also by doing good for themselves in life. Many alumni of the department have moved into higher education and research by clearing NET/SET examinations, some are practising academicians and others have gone into a plethora of other professions.

On these lines, the broader mission of the Department will be to keep empowering lives through not only education but also spreading understandings of the politico-societal crux so as to create accomplished individuals who will, in turn, create a responsible, kind and a morally formidable society.




Syllabus Revised for Minor Course


A single merged file comprising notices of AY 2022-23 can be accessed from the following link.

Notices 2022-23


A single merged file comprising notices of AY 2021-22 can be accessed from the following link.

Notices 2021-22


A single merged file comprising notices of AY 2019-20 can be accessed from the following link.

Notice 2019-20 (Online classes)


A single merged file comprising notices of AY 2018-19 can be accessed from the following link.

Notices for 2018-19

Other Notices:

Notice regarding Internal assessment and tutorial examination for 6th, 4th, 2nd SEM (Hons.) Dept. of Political Science

Notice for Internal and Tutorial Exam. for 1st semester Political Science General. 2022

Notice for Internal and Tutorial Exam. for 1st-semester Political Science Hons. 2022




Smt. Pranati Mazumder, Assistant Professor



Smt. Sohini Roy, Assistant Professor

  1. Participated and presented a paper on “Women’s Movement, Globalization and the Gendered Violence: Is Empowerment Solely about the Protective Factor” at the 17th Annual Conference of West Bengal Political Science Association, 2016 organized by Ananda Chandra College, Jalpaiguri.
  2. Participated and presented a paper on India Afghanistan Relations, “India-Afghanistan Relations : Mitigating Challenges and Making Place for Itself”, in the One Day National Seminar on India in South Asia: Challenges and Opportunities organized by Diamond Harbour Women’s University (DHWU), Dept. of Political Science incollaboration with Bengal Institute of Political Science held on 22.11.2018
  1. Participated and presented a paper titled “Tracing the Trajectories of India Central Asia Relations” that is based on my M. Phil topic Security Vacuum in Post-Soviet Central Asia: Implications for Indian Foreign Policy in a research seminar on 30th April 2019 in Jadavpur University, Department of International Relations, Kolkata.
  2. Participated and presented a paper titled “The Pandemic and India’s Migrant Labour Crisis: A Constitutional Failure” in the One Day National Webinar on the “Novel COVID-19: Human Rights Issues in India” organized by Manavadhikar Samajik Manch (MASM), New Delhi, on 4th July 2020.
  3. Participated and presented a paper titled “Dealing with China’s Rise in Eurasia: A Case for Russia-India Collaboration to Chart-out a Revamped Post-Pandemic Multilateralism in the Region” in the Indo-Russian Young Scholars International E-Conference on “India-Russia Domestic and Bilateral Developments” organized by Eurasian Foundation, New Delhi, India, Centre for Indian Studies of Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS, Moscow, Russia and Russian Centre for Science and Culture, New Delhi, India that was held on 03 – 05 September 2020
  4. Participated and presented a paper titled “Wither Democracy: The Subcontinent’s Fledgling Crisis in the Pandemic” in an International Webinar, jointly organized by Department of Political Science, Kanchrapara College, West Bengal and SPARSH Society, New Delhi held on 17th October 2020.
  1. A chapter titled “The Pandemic and India’s Migrant Labour Problem: A Constitutional Crisis” in the book titled “THE NOVEL COVID-19: The Human Rights Issues in India” edited by Dr. Shanker Adawal and Dr. Bhagaban Behera, 2020.
  2. A chapter titled “Wither Democracy: The Subcontinent’s Fledgling Crisis in the Pandemic” in the book titled “SOUTH ASIA AND COVID-19: Challenges and Way Out” edited by Dr. Bhagaban Behera and Dr. Bimalendu Ghosh, 2022.